22 Incredible Benefits of 'Legs Up the Wall' (Viparita Karani) Yoga Pose for Improved Sleep, Blood Circulation, and More!

"Legs Up the Wall"  


"Viparita Karani"  in Indian Yoga 

1. Improves Blood Circulation  

When you elevate your legs above your heart, gravity helps to improve blood flow and circulation, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals who experience swelling or fatigue in the legs.   

2. Reduces Stress and Anxiety  

The legs up the wall pose can be a relaxing and calming exercise, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety. This is because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation and decreases the stress response in the body. 

3. Relieves Back Pain 

The legs up the wall pose can help to relieve tension and pressure in the lower back, making it a good exercise for individuals who experience back pain or discomfort. 

4. Improves Digestion 

Elevating the legs can also help to improve digestion by encouraging blood flow and stimulating the digestive organs. 

5. Enhances Sleep Quality  

Practicing this exercise before bed can help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. It can also help to reduce symptoms of insomnia and other sleep disorders. 

6. Anti-Aging  

This Yoga Asana or Pose gives you anti - aging benefit like minimizing wrinkles and delaying the onset of old age 

How to do 

Lying on your back with your legs extended upward against a wall, creating a 90-degree angle between your legs and torso. 


MAT & Pillow. Lay down and fix a pillow below your back for support ensuring right position for the exercise to optimize benefits for your body.